We’re sorry. (Let’s start there.) We know that you expected more from us, and we sure did take our time getting our act together. As a seller registered with Fresh connection, we thank you for being patient with us as without you, none of this will even be remotely possible.
We are making a fresh start and rest assured, it can only work with your support.
To show you how serious we are this time around, we’ve made some wholesale changes, beginning with our website. Here are some key features that might be of interest to you :
Our website user interface has been simplified
An easy-to-use seller dashboard allows you to upload the products you want to sell on the website
You have the freedom to choose where you want your products to be delivered
We are also in the process of developing an app that will further simplify buying and selling on our portal
Since we started, Fresh Connection has been an online destination for people looking to make healthier choices. That hasn’t changed one bit.
We request you to check out our new website for yourself at www.freshconnection.com and tell us what you think.
One of our representatives will get in touch with you to explain all of these changes in detail.