HMG Stone,

Showing stones in a precious light.

HMG Stones in Bangalore is India’s first international stone and curator’s gallery, spread over 600 square meters. The gallery is a new benchmark in the stone industry itself, across the country. Using an aesthetic fusion of technology and design, IvorySense has created a superior retail stone experience using light design.

The gallery’s interior design language is inspired by the shell of a turtle. The lighting challenges were numerous due to diverse properties of the stones, necessitating brightness control between daylight and artificial lighting. So, each stone display to be illuminated was studied, while ensuring that qualities of the stone are preserved, maintaining minimal visual impact

What makes HMG Stones a milestone:


Bold new concept. Lighting installation. Use of cutting-edge techniques and assembly. Exclusive design. Enhanced milieu of the showroom.


Integration of networking, AV, lighting controls, security. Designed to welcome the guest into any scenario in the showroom, at one press of a button.


Each angle of the 2-junction and 3-junction of the profiles were different. Since the assembly was interconnection of each hexagon, it was one of the most complex jobs for design and installation. Illumination for stones was the greatest challenge and learning.