Northeast Region Telecom Third Party Attachments

Standard Distribution Pole Agreement

If you are not already a signatory to a Standard Distribution Pole Agreement, you are required to execute the agreement prior to submitting a Pole Attachment Application.

Get Started

Pole Attachment Application

To apply for a license to attach to National Grid Distribution Poles, use this application form. Approval for each pole must be obtained prior to installation. Please review the Third Party Instructions prior to using this software.

Click Here

Additional Resources

Third Party Instructions

We have provided an overview of the Third Party Application Process available for download.

Rate Sheets

We have provided a list of current Rate Sheets available for download.

Additional Resources

For additional legal documents and resources, please visit our resources page.

Request Agreement/Contact Information Update

If your company is already working with National Grid and needs a new agreement number, or has revised contact information to be applied to your account, use this form.

Update Company Info


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us

Amy Sullivan

Telecommunications Attachments Coodinator, NE Region