Mantra Koodam, Kumbakonam

Go on a holiday that unburdens the mind and uplifts the soul. Follow a sacred trail with over 5000 temples. Quench your thirst for ancient knowledge amongst the tomes and transcripts of a 16th century library. Explore your paradise in the ‘Cambridge of South India’.


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Wheelchair Friendly Rooms

We have one Heritage Bungalow specially designed for guests with special needs. It is wheelchair friendly with no steps, railings in the bathrooms, etc.


World Travel Mart - London

World Responsible Tourism
Awards - 2018

Silver Award

Best for Creating Local Economic Benefit Coconut Lagoon

SKAL Sustainable Tourism
Awards - 2018


Reviews and Ratings


From Tiruchirappalli International Airport:
About 109 km or 2 hr 12 mins

From Kumbakonam Railway Station:
About 9.5 km or 18 mins

Travel Tips

Wear light cottons, cool shades, and the right sunblock to make the most of the tropical summer, as you’ll be spending most of your time outdoors. You will also be visiting many temples, which means a lot of walking, so a comfortable pair of shoes is a must. Dressing conservatively will show sensitivity to this temple town.

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