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Privately segmented cloud delivery infrastructure offers you the ability to meet your unique challenge of combining unparalleled security, control, performance and scalability with a segmented and dedicated cloud managed infrastructure.

From hard-code to no-code

A hard-code process suite offers you applications that are only slightly customizable. The no-code/low-code platform offers you complete configurability. Organization-wide IT Governance makes it easy to roll-out, manage and monitor your entire user population.

Unlimited Projects

With unlimited projects and API calls, our Enterprise solution helps you scale as well as build an unlimited number of apps for your projects.

Premium Support & Services

Enterprise™ allows you exclusive and direct access to our team of certified AppBuilder Experts who will assist you in building and learning about the apps that will power you into the future. In addition, you get access to our University learning management system that features the latest videos, self-paced online learning tools and live help desk support.

Simplified Tools



Found in your AppZone, the AppStudio lets you create and manage your company's library of Apps that run on mobile and desktop with no coding skills required.


AppDesigner™ lets you rapidly configure Apps to your exact requirements by using a drag-and-drop interface to map the look, logic, and security of your App.


With one-click, AppPlayer™ allows you to see how your App will look on any device, any orientation, for any user, at any step in the process.


The AppManager™ central console allows you to easily deploy and control access to each of your Apps from one place, ensuring the right users have the right Apps to do their job.

Tools that allow you to configure, deploy,
standardize and monitor

Secure VPC Segmentation

Integration API Framework

Integration Connectors

Enterprise Wide Governance

99.9% uptime / 24 x 7 monitoring

Cross Region Disaster Recovery

Unlimited Projects

Unlimited App Building

Unlimited API Calls

Unlimited LiveLink Collaboration (with added storage, analytics and playback)

Unlimited Analytics University

32,000+ projects

for conEdison

8,000+ projects

for Staples

2,000+ projects

for Gilbane

The big creators of
the world, create with us.

Over 100 billion dollars of infrastructure operations.

"There’s nothing like being out in the field with an iPad and being able to do all the work you need to do. The discussion has changed from 'did you get it done' to 'what are the strategic changes we need to make to ensure the job stays on track'?”

Jason Pelkey
Senior VP and CIO

Gilbane Building Company

"There’s nothing like being out in the field with an iPad and being able to do all the work you need to do. The discussion has changed from 'did you get it done' to 'what are the strategic changes we need to make to ensure the job stays on track'?”

Project-specific and
enterprise-elastic frameworks

Easily configure and roll-out apps that support the complexities of field-to-office operations.

No-code Framework

Develop apps according to your requirement, without coding or compromising on functionality and usability. Each app automatically includes a full database backend.

AnyDevice Framework

The apps work on any desktop browser or mobile device and allow you to easily embed GPS, weather, barcode, 360 images, photos and videos in them.

AnyConnect Framework

A predictive and proximity-aware caching algorithm ensures that the data needed for a job is always on your device and functions with or without connectivity.

Workflow Framework

Map user or time-based logical events into your Apps workflow to normalize execution efficiency & retain complete visibility.

ImageServe Framework

The fastest mobile and desktop loading experience that works by converting large files, drawings and photos to stream viewable image tiles that work both online and offline.

Analytic / AI Framework

Visually transform and analyze the critical data in your apps for better decision-making and reporting. Leverage our AI framework to allow your apps to recommend best actions.

Geospatial Proximity

Make you apps spatially and proximity aware of places, people and equipment, making it easier to assign work, locate equipment, and track activities.

LiveLink Collaboration

Easily collaborate in real-time on any device by sharing app items, 360 photos, screens or camera views with other team members without ever leaving the app zone.

Cloud Interoperability Connectors Framework

Easily connect your Apps to back-office enterprise systems with our open REST API, GIS Connectors, Work Management System Interface, and Cloud Middle Tier.

A plan for every kind of project

From planning through operations, our plans grow as your project needs escalate.

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