"GururBrahma GururVishnu
GururDevo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshaat ParaBrahma
Tasmai Sri Guruve Namaha"

Mrs. Kavitha Vasanth was introduced to the divine field of Bharatanatyam and Mohiniyattam at the age of 6 under the guidance of Guru Smt. Kalamandalam Girija in Kozhikode, Kerala.

She has successfully completed and certified her Rangapravesam at the Guruvayoor Shri Krishna Temple.

She is also fortunate to have learnt the nuances of these dance forms under the tutelage of Smt. Kalamandalam Saraswathi, who is an institution by herself, in Kerala.

Currently settled in Bangalore, she continues her passion under Smt. Sridevi, Kavyanjali school of dance.

As a talented and committed dancer, she has participated in various school and college youth festivals and cultural festivals and won various prizes and recognitions.

She has had the privilege to share the stage with eminent artists in Guruvayoor ekadashi festivals. A few of the stages that she performed are;

  • Malabar Mahotsav, Calicut
  • NIC, New Delhi
  • Centennial celebrations of Tali Shri Bhagavathi Temple, Calicut
  • Ekadashi festivals, Guruvayoor
  • Nrutya 2013 to Nrutya 2019 for continuous 6 years
  • Golden Jubilee celebration of Jalahalli Shri Ayyappa temple, Bangalore
  • Various KNSS and Kerala samajam festivals, Bangalore

This post graduate in computer engineering is also trained in Carnatic music.

The devotion and dedication towards these dance forms led her to institute ‘GO TO YOUR CLASS’ in association with ‘Nritya Nemi’ Dance company along with another committed dancer and trainer Ms. Aishwarya Pillai.

Ms. Aishwarya Pillai started her dance training at the age of four under the guidance of Guru Kum. Sajini and is currently being trained under Guru Shri. Parshwanath Upadhye. She has performed in various platforms with more than 500 recitals including Mysore Palace with renowned Raghu Dixit. She has a diploma in Bharatanatyam from Reva University.

Together, they have aimed to promote classical dance through intensive training, rehearsals and performances at GO TO YOUR CLASS, Bangalore.